House Dance with Farah

Fokus: Filming a Choreography

What you get:

Join us for an exciting two-day House Dance workshop!

On Day 1, you’ll learn an energetic and creative choreography, focusing on groove, footwork, and style.

The second day will be dedicated to filming the routine, capturing the moves on camera to keep a lasting memory of your progress. We will organize a person experienced in filming dance videos.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, this workshop will challenge you and help you elevate your skills. Don’t miss the chance to dance, learn, and create something special!


House Dance with Farah
House Dance with Farah2 Tage
Limitierter Kurs
Farah Deen
18.01.25, 19.01.25
14:30 - 18:30
Level: BasicPlus & Intermediate
Nächster Termin: Keine weiteren Termine | Vertretung:
Großer Saal
Limitierter Kurs

2-tägiger Workshop
4 h
1. | 18.01.2025 | 14:30 - 16:30
2. | 19.01.2025 | 14:30 - 16:30
Farah Deen: Farah Deen works as a freelance dancer, teacher, choreographer in Vienna.  mehr
House Dance with Farah: Preis-Info: Klick auf Button Anmelden

Fokus: Filming a Choreography  mehr