Farah Deen


Persönlicher Weg:

Farah Deen works as a freelance dancer, teacher, choreographer in Vienna. In 2006 she co-founded the association Potpourri and also the internationally renowned street dance festival „Flavourama“ in Salzburg. In the past 5 years Farah has not only performed all over Europe, but also in the US and Sri Lanka.

Farah Deen likes to express her thoughts and feelings through dance in an intuitive way. She sees dance as a ventile to release emotional stress as well as finding her inner flow. Individual freedom matters the most to her.


House Dance with Farah
House Dance with Farah2 Tage
Limitierter Kurs
Farah Deen
18.01.25, 19.01.25
14:30 - 18:30
Level: BasicPlus & Intermediate
Nächster Termin: Keine weiteren Termine | Vertretung:
Großer Saal
Limitierter Kurs

2-tägiger Workshop
4 h
1. | 18.01.2025 | 14:30 - 16:30
2. | 19.01.2025 | 14:30 - 16:30
Farah Deen: Farah Deen works as a freelance dancer, teacher, choreographer in Vienna.  mehr
House Dance with Farah: Preis-Info: Klick auf Button Anmelden

Fokus: Filming a Choreography  mehr