Instant Composition

… ways of being together

What you get:

Free jazz, politics, a forest. What do these things have in common?

A number of players react to one another, depend on each other, coexist and thus co-create in time and space. They act by certain rules, with certain intentions and within certain limitations – and we can be thrilled, touched or moved by the result.

In this workshop, we will tune our senses to observe the poetic interplay of randomness and choice. We will explore a set of tools for composing a dance, as well as perspectives on composition. Ultimately, we examine ways of being together. All participants will be both performing and observing. We’ll create a number of small pieces of art and then reflect on them.

This workshop requires no specific dance technique or experience. We welcome movers of all levels of experience. However, we will be using our moving bodies to communicate and interact, so you should feel comfortable to invite being seen.


“Hey Rudi, I would like to say thank you again for the inspiring lnstant Composition workshop […]. I found your guidance very inviting, especially your invitation to look at composing in the room together with others as a meditation – a pleasant approach that let me get involved in the exercises and group in a more relaxed way. I have rarely experienced Instant Composition in such a relaxed setting, so this workshop was a pleasure 🙂 With the many impulses in the workshop on composition, I also remember your feeling for music/ rhythm. Really great to experience. […]”
Christa, Vienna

“Hi Rudi, I just wanted to let you know, I really liked to be dropped into your workshop. I felt home and safe. It was so great to experience the way to teach. I am in a dance training, I love that as well, learning a lot, but now at your workshop I realized how much it means for me, and how much it is changing the way I use my eyes, body, connect, when we are regularly confirmed with a “yes” from outside. For me it was like a wonderful reminder to say yes for the moment whatever it means, offers, or no matter how unclear it is. That was strong. And to be like you are for my own surrounding, focus on what is beautiful and say it, make it clear. So I think besides the games, exercises and structure you offered, your personal presence made it much easier for us participants to go so deep, so instantly in our compositions. […]”
Bea, Vienna


Instant Composition
Instant Composition2 Tage
Limitierter Kurs
Rudi Natterer
15.02.25, 16.02.25
13:30 - 19:30
Level: Siehe Beschreibung
Nächster Termin: Keine weiteren Termine | Vertretung:
Großer Saal
Limitierter Kurs

2-tägiger Workshop
6 h
1. | 15.02.2025 | 13:30 - 16:30
2. | 16.02.2025 | 11:00 - 14:00
Rudi Natterer: Rudi’s moving body was shaped by Capoeira, Contact Improvisation and Basketball.  mehr
Instant Composition: ways of being together ...  mehr